Monday, August 18, 2008


Kobe dogs

Hello. I haven't blogged much in the past couple of weeks, I know. I'm in Kobe right now, heading out soon for Tokyo and parts north, to visit my friend Beau, stay at a couple of onsen, and generally do some serious traveling that should be worth blogging about. I've never been to northern Japan, so this should be a treat! I'm pushing back the trip to Beijing and will leave on the 2nd or 3rd of September instead of the 29th of August, like I had planned. I hadn't really left enough time to make it up to Aomori to see my friend Beau, his wife and their new baby Noah. Happily, with the change of schedule, I should arrive in their neck of the woods next Saturday evening, all the way up on the very tip on Honshu!

Even though I haven't done much travelling worth mentionig in the past few days, I did meet up with a couple of close friends and my advisors from Kyudai. Everyone else was off last week for the Obon festival, so there wasn't much to do in Fukuoka. Should have realized that ahead of time -_-;