Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Praha the Most

This is the door of a nunnery or, as Elan called it, 'a church for ladies.'

A somewhat vaginal crest above the nunnery door.

Jan Svankmajer lives behind this door!

Elan is funny because he walks like a human.

Carp are such toothy creatures.

There is a girl who calls me at most inconvenient times, such as while I am photographing cathedrals during the momentary light of the evening sun. She's cute, so it is alright.

Prague Castle from the Charles Bridge.

Mr. Churchill comes to Prague.

Elan and Fabian and I did many things in Prague, such as going to a bar that is three stories underground, and I took this photo after all of the things that we did were done. Look at that guy. He has a club! He is one of the statues that stands on the gates to Prague Castle. It is not the only statute. He has some terrible friends.

I sprinted up these stairs - eventually Elan and Fabian caught up, and look how happy Elan is for the catching.