Thursday, August 28, 2008

I saw Beau!

We also took a trip to Mt. Fear and the Gates of Hell, but that's a story for another blog.

Look at that manic gleam in my eye: I love slides.

.. and we rode on a really intense slide.

We ordered gobo tempura and soba bigger than a human head!

This is Beau, dressed up to go play Oboe at a wedding.

After a glorious two days at Kita Onsen, I meandered back to the Shinkansen and departed for parts north to spend the weekend at my friend Beau's house. Beau and I went to high school together; I hadn't seen him in like seven years. I met his wife, Chikako, and their baby Noah. We had a crazy time, about which I will blog further in the very near future.

Ohhhhh damn, purikura!

I'm staying in Gotemba with Julie. We did laundry, played Taiko made the purikura. All is right in the world.

Nasu Onsen : Kita Ryokan

Mountain map: onsens, ski-resorts, ropeways, mountain peaks, and misty streams.

I also found dragonflies.

I found an out-of-season ski lodge at the top of the mountain.

Feeling a little too clean, I decided to take a hike up into the mountains and work up a sweat. I sprinted most of the way down. I totally felt like some wild mountain creature, leaping from rock to rock through the mist. Though not a sanctioned bathing area, I took a dip in the ice cold mountain stream running along the foot of the path next to the ryokan, before heading in for dinner ^^

The outdoor pool is Kita Onsen's defining feature. It's pretty unique to have something like this, and a lot of the locals staying here said that this is what they had come for. An onsen generally just has small pools for bathing, no swimming allowed.

Interior of the shinto shrine, with mini-shrines and offerings.

Buddhist house shrine, in a rear hallway across from an interior stream of volcanic water. Right next to this there was a Shinto house shrine, behind which a pair or doors opened directly onto a precipitous stone stairway leading up behind the ryokan to an actual shrine building.

Tengu! Imagine soaking in the bath at 3am, staring at this. I hit my head on his chin once when I was getting out of the bath. The noise was really loud, but the other bathers were nice enough to pretended not to notice.

The ryokan emerges from the mist ..

'Kita Onsen'

My travels to Kita onsen began in Osaka. First boarding an overnight bus to Tokyo, I left early the next morning on the Shinkansen to Nasushiobara, transferring to the local train to Kuroiso. I took a bus from there up into the foothills of Mt. Asahidake (not the one in Hokkaido), on the other side of Nikko National Forest from the Toshogu Nikko Shrine. Already out in the middle of nowhere, far from the dirt and heat of Osaka, I still had to make a two kilometer walk along the onsen's private road and then up a valley path to arrive at the Ryokan. While I was there, the area remained perpetually in cloud, the type of raining that forms spontaneously around you and can't be defended against with an umbrella. No matter, with the exception of a hike that I took on the second day, I spent my entire stay hoping from one steaming bath to another. The rain and the cold only heightened the pleasure of steam, volcanic waters, and pristine forest scenery. Ahhhh, Kita onsen was totally a dream .. I didn't want to take too many pictures inside of the building itself, it is a bathhouse, after all, though I did manage to snap a few of the giant Tengu (demon heads) that hang over one of the interior baths, and also of the house shrines. The building is very old, from the Meiji-period, rambling, baths hidden here and there in its rotating arms, silent, wooden, decomposing, and shadowy. You couldn't see the ceiling in the dining room, at any time of day. Ah, it was the perfect place to wander around for three days, in a yukata, soaking, drying, soaking, watching the waterfall, swimming in the outdoor hotspring pool under the trees, and eating delicious ryokan fare. By the end, my skin shined and sparkled it was so clean.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kobe Day

Pagoda crafted by Nishioka

A good day in Kobe. Most of these photos are from the 竹中大工道具館、the Takenaka Museum of Carpentry Tools. Jamdung was, sadly, closed. It's okay, I had Indian food.

Plans Travel Plans

I've got a pretty detailed itinerary going for the next couple of weeks. Thought I'd post it up here. I'm heading out from Osaka to Tokyo tonight on the overnight bus (double decker). I'll be using the JR East pass for some super-cheap bullet train traveling, making the onsen rounds of northern Honshu and staying at my friend Beau's house over the weekend. I'm very excited. I've never been to northern Japan. I'll mostly be out in the countryside, so no internet access. I'll get some pictures up when I can, hopefully making all of you jealous ^___^

Also, it has been requested that comments be turned on. As such, the Susans and Benjamins of the world may eat their cake. Comment away!


JR East Pass day I - Tokyo to Kuroiso

21st: Kita Onsen, Northern Kanto
22nd: Local station: Kuroiso
check in 2 o'clock (early is okay)
(2) 8500円 (meals included^^)

JR East Pass day II - Kuroiso to Hachinohe

23rd: Beau! Hachinohe Station
24th: Beau!
25th: Beau!

JR East Pass day III - Hachinohe to Iiyama

26th: Maguse Onsen, Nagano
Local station: Iiyama
Check in 3 o'clock?
5250円 (no meals ;_;)

JR East Pass day IV - Nagano to Gotemba

27th: Julie!
28th: Julie!

Hike Fuji?
Train: Gotemba to Tokyo

29th: K's House Asakusa
30th: K's House Asakusa
31st: K's House Asakusa

September 1st: K's House Asakusa

Overnight Bus Tokyo to Osaka

3rd: Guest House Yahata, Kyoto
4th: Guest House Yahata, Kyoto

5th: Board Ferry to Tianjin!
7th: Arrive in Tianjin, Train to Beijing
7th - 22nd: Staying at Dr. Satterwhite's house in Beijing

Monday, August 18, 2008


Kobe dogs

Hello. I haven't blogged much in the past couple of weeks, I know. I'm in Kobe right now, heading out soon for Tokyo and parts north, to visit my friend Beau, stay at a couple of onsen, and generally do some serious traveling that should be worth blogging about. I've never been to northern Japan, so this should be a treat! I'm pushing back the trip to Beijing and will leave on the 2nd or 3rd of September instead of the 29th of August, like I had planned. I hadn't really left enough time to make it up to Aomori to see my friend Beau, his wife and their new baby Noah. Happily, with the change of schedule, I should arrive in their neck of the woods next Saturday evening, all the way up on the very tip on Honshu!

Even though I haven't done much travelling worth mentionig in the past few days, I did meet up with a couple of close friends and my advisors from Kyudai. Everyone else was off last week for the Obon festival, so there wasn't much to do in Fukuoka. Should have realized that ahead of time -_-;

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Is it Fukuoka?

Hakata Bay


The Hakata Beetle (hydrofoil)

Busan Port

Tickets, tickets, tickets ..